Peer Supervision & Case Presentation

Join us for our first ever PEER SUPERVISION & CASE PRESENTATION Sunday, June 4, 10am – noon (EST) Often in clinical practice we can isolate ourselves and have little opportunity to discuss our challenges, ethical dilemmas or difficult cases.  We will discuss...

Peer to Peer Discussion Group

Peer to Peer Discussion Group Saturday, March 25, 1-3pm (EST) As you think about Psychosynthesis and its role in your life, be it personal or professional, consider these questions: How does its principles hold meaning for you?  What are your challenges?  Equally...

Internationella Psykosynteskonferensen 2016

Internationella Psykosynteskonferensen på Sicilien den 2-5 juni 2016 Dear Friends and Psychosynthesis Colleagues, The Institute of Psychosynthesis of Italy, together with the Italian Society for Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy in Florence (S.I.P.T. – Società...

Öppna terapirummet för forskning

Ett radioprogram från SR.SE Det är tid att vi får mera insyn i vad som händer i terapirummet. Det menar Rolf Holmqvist, professor i klinisk psykologi, som driver test med att låta patienter bedöma i enkäter hur man upplevt kontakten med terapeuten och hur man mår...