av | maj 22, 2017 | Aktivitet
Join us for our first ever PEER SUPERVISION & CASE PRESENTATION Sunday, June 4, 10am – noon (EST) Often in clinical practice we can isolate ourselves and have little opportunity to discuss our challenges, ethical dilemmas or difficult cases. We will discuss...
av | mar 8, 2017 | Aktivitet
Peer to Peer Discussion Group Saturday, March 25, 1-3pm (EST) As you think about Psychosynthesis and its role in your life, be it personal or professional, consider these questions: How does its principles hold meaning for you? What are your challenges? Equally...
av | apr 28, 2016 | Aktivitet
Internationella Psykosynteskonferensen på Sicilien den 2-5 juni 2016 Dear Friends and Psychosynthesis Colleagues, The Institute of Psychosynthesis of Italy, together with the Italian Society for Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy in Florence (S.I.P.T. – Società...
av | jan 29, 2014 | Aktivitet
Ett radioprogram från SR.SE Det är tid att vi får mera insyn i vad som händer i terapirummet. Det menar Rolf Holmqvist, professor i klinisk psykologi, som driver test med att låta patienter bedöma i enkäter hur man upplevt kontakten med terapeuten och hur man mår...